Monday, December 18, 2006

The Effect of Coca Cola on Your Body

I recently read this illuminating post on another Blog and thought I would share it with you :

The effect of Coca Cola on your body

I like to drink a Coke every day and recently stopped for a week with no ill effects at all. You may have heard that if you drink one can of Coke everyday and you take that out of your diet then you will lose one pound of fat per week which works out to 50 pounds of fat lost in a year. Healthbolt had the following info about what happens to you when you drink a can of coke:

Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? It’s because it gets you high. They took the cocaine out almost a hundred years ago. You know why? It was redundant.

In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.

20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment) here to read the full story

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Permanent Help To Stop Snoring

I thought many of you might find the following article of great interest!

Are you driving your spouse insane with your snoring, or is your partner doing that to you?

If so, you’re not alone. About 40% females and 60% males snore once in a while. And 23 out of every hundred people suffer horribly from constant snoring.
You know as well as I, it’s not just the irritation of staying awake night after night or the shame of waking up again and again from your spouse’s nudging. You know that not getting enough sleep is frankly life threatening.

If you drive a car or cross a street, for example, you need to have full attention and energy.

It’s also life threatening because your whole emotional and physical balance will suffer. Nerves breakdown, stroke, and heart-attack are only three examples.

You can’t blame yourself or your partner. You’ve probably tried several things to eliminate the snoring but nothing helped. I’ve had many clients who undertook expensive, dangerous surgery, only to find themself worse off afterwards.

To be able to cure your snoring, you must know what causes it.

Snoring is always caused by some kind of blockage in the breathing passage.

This irregular airflow slams the soft tissues in your breathing passages around like a door in a wind. Your throat and mouth become like speakers, powered by powerful quantifier and your partner can’t sleep.

The real loud sound happens when the soft palate (the flexible back part of the roof of the mouth) starts to vibrate. And sometimes the tip of it will even start beating on the tongue (which may also be falling into the throat) like a drum.

Examples of what can cause snoring...
1) The throat may be weak and close down when sleeping. This is the most common cause of sleep apnea, very serious condition where snoring is just a one sign.

2) Your tongue may drop into your throat when you sleep and block it. The tongue is a muscle and if that muscle is weak, then it’s more likely to drop into the throat. This may happen even if you sleep on your side.

3) Tense jaw muscles put pressure on the breathing passages. This is what many dentists try to deal with by putting in dental implant. An easier way to avoid this is loosening up and relaxing the jaw muscles.

4) The Soft palate may be too weak and not firm enough and will lay too close to the tongue, making it very easy to flap around and make the irritating snoring sounds.

6) Anything that might gather in the throat, like fat or tar from cigarette smoke, will narrow the throat and cause snoring.

Of course there can be endless other kinds of blocks in the breathing area.
The real question is; how can we eliminate these blocks?

I guess when you look at it, it’s just common sense. I’ve found that you can train this part of your body like any other part.

Working-out the breathing passages.
I’m not talking about heavy work-out. The breathing passage and the area around it is very fragile, so you have to use light, non straining exercises. It takes a little bit of time but not much effort.

This is a very fragile area so the exercises are fine tuned and do not demand much effort, only commitment for few weeks.

Using few exercises, each focused on one area in and around your throat, will remove ANY block you have. No matter what’s causing your snoring.

You’ll actually strengthen and open up the whole breathing passage, from your throat up to the nasal opening.

By doing simple throat exercises your soft palate and the whole area from below your voice box up into your nasals and everything in between will be strengthened and refreshed. Plus it will clean the throat of any fat or tar.

The tongue exercises will strengthen the tongue and help it regain just the right amount of flexible tension to stay out of the throat.

The Jaw exercises will loosen up the jaw and help it reach its healthy normal position where it won't press on the breathing passage. You’ll be amazed how much more easy your breathing will be after you train your jaw muscles.

And finally, the throat exercises will strengthen the throat and lift the soft palate.

The Training Doesn't Take Much Effort
How long you exercise every day is up to you. You can train for as little as three minutes a day.

I’ve seen people treat their snoring in as little as couple of days. A few weeks is more the norm though. If you commit to 7-12 minutes a day for couple of months, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be snore free before that time is up.

And you should be ready to commit for about two months to permanently cure your snoring. Although most likely you will have quiet nights long before those two months are up.

I hope I’ll soon receive your success story. I love nothing more than opening my email in the morning and reading the stories on how my clients healed themselves using my exercises.

The most pleasurable thing I do is reading emails from people who have used the exercises to successfully cure their snoring.

If you want to learn more about these exercises and try some out for FREE, then You can find the exercises program I developed and has helped so many people to
stop snoring here...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Benefits of Helping Ourselves to Better Health

I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this blogging lark. My main aim with this blog is to share with you some of the Natural or Alternative Therapies that have worked for me and my loved ones.

All my family wear Bioflow Magnotherapy wristbands and Bioflow Boost body bands which have helped with a range of problems, providing pain relief from arthritis, migraine headaches, back pain, broken bones (promotes faster healing of the break) and reduction in inflammation caused by ear infections, sprains, and bad knocks etc. more details

My mother suffered for over 18 months with a terrible leg ulcer which conventional treatment did nothing for, but when we fitted a Bioflow on her leg above the ulcer, the improvement was fast and dramatic, healing completely within a few weeks.

One old lady wore a Bioflow for her arthritis, but also suffered from very impaired kidney function - her doctor told her that her kidneys were shrivelled like prunes. Within a few weeks of starting with the Bioflow not only was her arthritis much improved, but her renal consultant told her that her kidneys had returned to normal! more tomorrow...............

Really Good Health Tip

The importance of drinking plenty of water regularly has been the subject of a great deal of attention in health and fitness news over the past few years.

Many health and diet experts have weighed in on the subject. It does seem clear that many people in modern society are chronically dehydrated, without even realizing it. And there are a host of health problems that can arise over time related to chronic dehydration, ranging from constipation, joint pain and dysfunction and low energy to hypertension, obesity and more.
Water is such a critical part of our health and physiology that when a human body gets an insufficient amount of it on a regular basis, the negative health effects are virtually endless. An excellent resource to learn the details of all the many ill health effects of chronic dehydration is The Water Cure by Dr. Batmanghelidj.

The question remains, however, how much water is the right amount? Many health experts have made a general recommendation of 8 twelve ounce glasses of water every day. This is certainly an increase in water consumption for most people, and as such following this recommendation would be an improvement for many. However, it seems to go against common sense to suggest that there is any single amount of water that is right for all people under all circumstances. People are of vastly different sizes, live in very different climates and have very different levels of physical exertion, and 8 glasses a day for all of them defies any sort of logic.
How then do you decide how much water is right for you? Fortunately, there is a simple and, in most circumstances, foolproof way to easily and ongoingly gauge whether you are giving your body enough water. This method will work even as your circumstances and water needs change – if for example you begin to exercise much more, or move to a much drier and hotter climate.

All that most people need to do to accurately gauge their water consumption needs is to note the color of their urine. Unless there is reason to suspect a health condition that would affect the color of urine, such as jaundice, then this is an excellent and sensitive way to see if you are giving your body enough water on a regular basis. When your body is getting a sufficient supply of water, the urine will be very light in color. When urine is a dark yellow in color, this is a strong sign that your body is dehydrated and would benefit from a substantial increase in the amount of water you drink every day.

Simply begin to increase the amount of water you drink slowly over a period of several days, and you will notice quickly the change in urine color. Once you have consistently reached the point where the color is very light, you know that you are drinking the amount of water that is generally appropriate for your body and your current lifestyle. One of the best things about using this as a method for finding out your ideal water consumption is that as your body’s water needs change, due to aging, changes in diet or activity level, or anything else, you will easily be able to note the change and adjust your water intake accordingly. It really is that simple. So give your body what it really needs, and go drink a glass of clean, healthy water!

Is Your Body Too Acid?

When your body accumulates an excessive amount of acid, you are at risk for arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
If you already suffer from one of these diseases, high acidity will intensify your inflammation, soft tissue degeneration and bone loss.
A highly acidic pH prevents the body from functioning properly. The presence of acid waste makes it increasingly difficult for cells to absorb the fuel they need. Vital body systems like the immune system start to malfunction. The result is increased inflammation and soft tissue degeneration. Acids are also solidified and deposited throughout the body, leading to bone loss.
The longer you wait to reduce your body’s acidity, the longer you remain at risk for arthritis and related illnesses.

Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia are autoimmune diseases. They are the result of an over-regulated or under-regulated immune system that mistakenly attacks the body’s healthy cells.
White blood cells, or lymphocytes, play a critical role in the immune system. They are the cells that bind with and disable germ cells. The fluid that surrounds the body’s joints is filled with lymphocytes, which is one reason these areas swell and become painful when you are fighting off an infection.
In an arthritic body, these lymphocytes mistakenly attack healthy cells. Because lymphocytes are so concentrated near the joints, they do considerable damage to the bone and soft tissue.
When acid waste accumulates in your body, the immune system is compromised. The acid damages and disorients the lymphocytes. Thus, if you don't have arthritis or a similar autoimmune disease yet, but your body is acidic, you are at risk. If you already suffer from arthritis, excessive acid will intensify the damage.
When lymphocytes attack healthy cells near the joints, they create acid waste as a by-product. This acid collects around the joints and causes further swelling and degeneration. The acid also poisons the damaged lymphocytes, disorienting them further and causing them to attack additional healthy cells.
As the lymphocytes attack healthy cells, germ cells freely invade the body and multiply. The germ cells attack healthy cells, release bacteria that produce acid waste, and then die out and become acid waste themselves. The body’s pH level continues to become more acidic.
The acidic body environment also damages the nervous system. This is bad news for anyone suffering from fibromyalgia, another type of autoimmune illness that’s characterized by inflammation of the soft tissue and myofascia, or muscle covering. The nervous system damage causes pain impulses to spread globally throughout the body. Thus, acidity can worsen the severity of fibromyalgia.
High levels of acid also lead to osteoporosis. Not only does the acid eat into the bone, causing loss of bone mass, but the body also leaches calcium from the bones. The body uses calcium to solidify acid in an attempt to store it safely away from the body’s organs. Therefore a highly acidic body suffers extreme calcium depletion. Calcified acids deposited in joints and on the surfaces of bone lead to osteoarthritis.

Fortunately, a significant reduction in your body’s acid level can lead to regeneration of healthy cells and tissue. A diet that’s more alkaline can help you reverse the damage caused by acidity and arthritis.
The right combination of fresh vegetable juices, for example, can help your body break down and destroy excessive acid waste. To prevent acid from accumulating further, you should eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates from your diet. Vitamin and mineral supplements specially formulated to balance pH are an important part of your strategy as well.
If you start to balance your pH level through supplements and easy-to-learn diet and lifestyle changes, you will reduce your vulnerability to arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. You can look forward to greatly improved health. Click for more info

Sue's Personal Triumph over Arthritis Pain

“Arthritis,” my doctor declared, “you’ll soon need two new hip-joints, but in the meantime we’ll put you on steroids”. Does this sound familiar?

I was shocked, I was only in my early 50s and could not accept the doctor’s vision of my future. I refused steroid treatment and asked for a less invasive treatment but was told there was nothing, so I decided it was up to me to help myself. Fortunately, around the same time, my husband Ken, a distributor for Ecoflow Magnetic Fuel & Water treatment products, came home with a revolutionary magnetic wristband called Bioflow. This was in November 1995. My arthritis meant we were seriously considering selling our house and moving to a bungalow as I had such difficulty getting up and down our stairs. We had already sold our much loved campervan as I could no longer manage in its constricted space.

But within 5 days of first wearing the Bioflow, I found I could climb the stairs like a normal person again. Within 10 days I could run up stairs! I couldn’t believe it and so removed the Bioflow from my wrist. Within a few days I was again in severe pain and struggling to get up the stairs. By now convinced my ‘miracle’ was due entirely to the Bioflow, I replaced it on my wrist and have worn one ever since. Over the months and years, the arthritic knobs on my fingers and thumbs have disappeared and today, though 11 years older, I am pain-free and active. Click here for more info

We still live in the same house, have had a campervan again for the past 8 years and regularly go on walking holidays, the last two winters to New Zealand.

Of course, back in 1995, I couldn’t keep the wonderful news of the Bioflow to myself, and it wasn’t long before dozens and then hundreds of local people were also enjoying marvellous results.

Over the years, Bioflow customers have reported benefits with over 160 different medical conditions. Early on, pet owners started adapting their Bioflows for their pets, and the results on animals have been equally astounding with pets living happier, longer, more active and pain-free lives. Today there are specific products for dogs, cats and horses as well as a range of attractive models for humans.

All Bioflows come with a 90-day trial and the Customer Loyalty Scheme, which entitles existing customers to a 50% rebate when they trade in their old Bioflow against a new model of their choice. Click here for more info

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Pain Relief for Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Everything you need to know to help yourself to pain relief from your arthritis.

You'll find hints and tips that are safe and natural.

You will learn how to rid your body of the toxins that are contributing to your pain.

Along the way you'll probably help relieve many other ailments and conditions such as circulation problems, high blood pressure, eczema and psoriasis, together with finding pain relief from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, knee problems and migraine headaches.

In fact almost 200 different ailments and conditions have been alleviated using these methods.

Also pain relief for dogs, cats and horses.

All of this in an eco-friendly way using natural and completely safe pain relief methods to help make your arthritis a thing of the past.