Saturday, December 16, 2006

Really Good Health Tip

The importance of drinking plenty of water regularly has been the subject of a great deal of attention in health and fitness news over the past few years.

Many health and diet experts have weighed in on the subject. It does seem clear that many people in modern society are chronically dehydrated, without even realizing it. And there are a host of health problems that can arise over time related to chronic dehydration, ranging from constipation, joint pain and dysfunction and low energy to hypertension, obesity and more.
Water is such a critical part of our health and physiology that when a human body gets an insufficient amount of it on a regular basis, the negative health effects are virtually endless. An excellent resource to learn the details of all the many ill health effects of chronic dehydration is The Water Cure by Dr. Batmanghelidj.

The question remains, however, how much water is the right amount? Many health experts have made a general recommendation of 8 twelve ounce glasses of water every day. This is certainly an increase in water consumption for most people, and as such following this recommendation would be an improvement for many. However, it seems to go against common sense to suggest that there is any single amount of water that is right for all people under all circumstances. People are of vastly different sizes, live in very different climates and have very different levels of physical exertion, and 8 glasses a day for all of them defies any sort of logic.
How then do you decide how much water is right for you? Fortunately, there is a simple and, in most circumstances, foolproof way to easily and ongoingly gauge whether you are giving your body enough water. This method will work even as your circumstances and water needs change – if for example you begin to exercise much more, or move to a much drier and hotter climate.

All that most people need to do to accurately gauge their water consumption needs is to note the color of their urine. Unless there is reason to suspect a health condition that would affect the color of urine, such as jaundice, then this is an excellent and sensitive way to see if you are giving your body enough water on a regular basis. When your body is getting a sufficient supply of water, the urine will be very light in color. When urine is a dark yellow in color, this is a strong sign that your body is dehydrated and would benefit from a substantial increase in the amount of water you drink every day.

Simply begin to increase the amount of water you drink slowly over a period of several days, and you will notice quickly the change in urine color. Once you have consistently reached the point where the color is very light, you know that you are drinking the amount of water that is generally appropriate for your body and your current lifestyle. One of the best things about using this as a method for finding out your ideal water consumption is that as your body’s water needs change, due to aging, changes in diet or activity level, or anything else, you will easily be able to note the change and adjust your water intake accordingly. It really is that simple. So give your body what it really needs, and go drink a glass of clean, healthy water!

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